Creating interactive experiences in emerging technologies within 2 weeks
Building Virtual World is a CMU course, in which students form 5-person teams randomly and create interactive experience using various platforms, including Oculus, HTC Vive, HoloLens and Eye Tracker within 2 weeks.
Designer, Programmer
2 weeks for each experience
《等待》是一个沉浸式的情感叙事AR体验,采用微软的Hololens作为AR设备平台,讲述了一个父亲/母亲在病房外等待女儿手术结果的故事。在等待的过程中,玩家可以和场景内的不同物品进行互动,每次互动都会闪回一段和女儿的独特回忆。我们探索了混合现实(mixed reality)环境下的自然直觉的交互和引导方式,让玩家在虚拟和现实混合的空间中也能够直觉性地互动。
The wait is an emotionally immersive AR storytelling experience using Microsoft Hololens, in which players can engage in the story of a mother and her sick daughter by interacting with physical objects and virtual characters.
Don't look away is a PC game whose mechanics are based on eye gaze, keyboard and mouse input. In the game, players need to finish the pre-interview quiz questions during the Skype interview, while not being found by the interviewer.
POTS is a mixed-reality collaborative expreience for four players using Microsoft Hololens and Jam-O-Drum. Players control wheels of Jam-O-Drum to form a connected road, helping the character get to the destination. One of players wearing Hololens, can see special information that other cannot see. He/she needs to share information with other players in order to win the game.
We want to encourage collaboration by creating inbalance of informtion. The challenge is having Jam-O-Drum communicate with Hololens, since no one had done it before.